Damages for medical negligence – who can sue?

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Each member of the medical team is immune from liability for negligence, medical and all of them regardless of whether it is a medical state or private, nurse or occupational therapist may be sued for damages for negligent medical.

Besides individuals can sue for hospital indemnity, both private and funded by the National Health Service or manufacturers, to some extent defective medical products, including drugs and implants.

Proof of medical error – basis of the granting of compensation for medical negligence

The rationale for claims for damages for medical negligence is an opportunity to prove the error. To apply for compensation the victim needs medical documentation described misdiagnosis or poorly done review of the operation.

If the victim is unable to prove the doctor’s fault, the investigation of claims will be much more difficult or impossible. So worth it in advance to take care of compiling all the documentary evidence.

nhs medical negligence

Image courtesy of hin255/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net