What kind of life insurance was in force in the sixteenth century?

In the sixteenth century many marine insurances appeared, they covered the life of sailors, captain’s utensils and their passengers, often of merchants, in the event of death or assault pirates, this related to the insurance of the ship and its cargo.

In France and other European countries in the seventeenth century many companies would become popular, for accepting money payments in exchange for lifetime rent, the amount of the pension rent was dependent on the living contributors.

nhs medical negligence

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Egypt – a place where the first life insurances appeared

So here are a few words about the history and the beginnings of insurance. The first insurance appeared in ancient times in Egypt – stonemasons helped each other in covering the expensive funerals.

Already at the time of Hammurabi (about 2 thousand BC) there was a participant’s hearse agreement in the Middle East, where they jointly undertook to cover any damages incurred by each participant in such an agreement. The agreements were primarily damages incurred in animals. If one of the participants in the agreement lost an animal, the other members filed the appropriate amount of which was equivalent to this loss.

The same principle was a part of an agreement concluded between the Jewish owners of donkeys in Palestine, which proved that if the donkey would flee, die, or would be stolen or torn by wild animals, the loss will be compensated in nature.

clinical negligence claim

Image courtesy of Arvind Balaraman/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What mistakes in clinical negligence are eligible for compensation?

Everyone, even a doctor, can make a mistake. A patient who becomes injured as a result of malpractice on the part of medical personnel has the right to apply for compensation. We can seek it in case of:

– failed plastic surgery,

– wrong diagnosis,

– there has been a clinical negligence,

– a child or a mother during childbirth were injured,

– there has been negligence on the part of doctors, nurses, for example, a wrong medicine is prescribed or a mistake is made in during an operation,

– there has been a negligence dental care.


clinical negligence claim